overcome what you are going through

overcome what you are going through

Dear Lorna, Kumusta? It has been a long time. I learned about the internal struggle you are going through. Much as you want to dedicate 100% of your time to organising the Lumad women and their communitities you finding difficult balancing your work and your family. I...
Regarding well-being

Regarding well-being

First , I would like to say something about myself. Since 2058 B.S till 2066, I worked in a Dohori Restaurants (where they sing songs). Even after working for so long there, I did not get respect or recognition from my family and society. Because of that, I faced...
Querida Mara, te saludo desde el corazón

Querida Mara, te saludo desde el corazón

Pereira, Colombia, septiembre 19 de 2019 Querida Mara, te saludo desde el corazón y te envío un abrazo enorme.   No pude incluir en esta carta el poder enviársela a muchas más, pero te elegí a ti gran amiga ya que hemos compartido tantas cosas, alegrías,...
Hola Luz Estella y Janeth

Hola Luz Estella y Janeth

Cartagena, Septiembre 19 de 2019 Hola Luz Estella y Janeth  Queridas mujeres:  Son las 12:45 de la tarde en Colombia. Desde Cartagena de Indias, parte de este hermoso país, al son de tambores, gaitas, acordeones, el apacible arrullo de las olas del Mar...
Self Care

Self Care

Dear sister, I want to talk to you about the above topic. We have a lot to work on in our society on the issues of women and youth. But as we continue to work, we also need to take care of ourselves. We have to work with other women leaders, with the states as...